Tuesday 15 November 2011

Horses and Hounds - (er, did someone say hounds?)

Well, the old fox is back again after a bit of a lay-off due to an internet famine in Cornwall and an inability to organise the day - any day - in a productive fashion. Now, safely ensconced in Derbyshire once again and with the National Hunt Racing programme well under way, the blog resumes.

Last Friday saw the Fox at Cheltenham and very popular he proved to be with the annual Countryside Day in full swing as the opener to the three day "Open".  The tented village is the focal point for Christmas shopping for those who have what it takes - money! Most folk have a wander round and head for the food hall to pig out on the various tasty freebies on offer. One of the frequent traders at Cheltenham is a very progressive company called, "Wear the Fox Hat?" (Note the question mark).  Lavish headgear is constructed from cast-off fur coats and stoles and sold to county ladies at a price. A novel take on re-cycling.  One  tweedy gal was observed out on the Cross-country course with a towering creation which reminded the Grey One of long deceased Aunty Mabel. This must be proof that there is, indeed, life after mothballs!

Coming down  the walkway towards the Guinness bar who should one meet but Wenlock and Mandeville on their own stall! Yes, the perfect alternative teddy for your kiddies' Christmas stockings. Never mind your Peppa Pigs, Iggle-Piggles and Makka Pakkas, give your kids a friendly Cyclops to cuddle!

Cheltenham always does its bit for Equestrian Team GB in the months before an Olympics and this year was no exception with a very informative display of coaching by the great Yogi Breisner out on the race course. He put an international eventer, a show-jumper and a dressage rider and their mounts through their paces, and was most informative on the skill and courage needed. It was a great sight seeing the close control the riders maintained over their horses and the enormous scope of the show-jumper, the speed of the eventer and the sheer beauty of the dressage horse.

Later on, Mary King led a group of Team GB riders including European Bronze medallists, William Fox Pitt, Piggy French and Nicola Wilson, who met up with the Heythrop Hounds and neighbouring packs (gulp!) to pose for cameras and have a brief gallop before the third race. It was good to see the little beagles from the Wick and District as well and Niece Lizzie nearly took the lot home to Scotland. Alice, from Channel 4 Racing did her best to interview the little dears for the camera only to come off second best as all and sundry got in the shot as they took the opportunity to give the hounds the fussing they so much enjoy.

Well, after all that, the Racing had something to live up to and fans weren't disappointed when young Tom Bellamy (a graduate from Pony Racing) rode Swing Bill to victory in the first. The Cross-Country Race, which brought thousands of punters out into various vantage points in the middle of the course provided many thrills and not too many spills and again, the amateur snappers congregated around the water jump and  put their trust in their shutter-releases.

The vast majority of the 20000+ crowd stayed on for the last to see three exciting novice chasers, Champion Court, Cue Card and Grand Crus take one another on. Unfortunately, Cue Card fluffed his lines and got rid of his jockey but Grand Crus ran out a worthy winner having been challenged bravely by Champion Court over the last two fences.  Unfortunately the light was in short supply by this time, the horses could have done with headlights out in the back straight, so the camera was safely pocketed.

A great day's sport for horse lovers and Country people alike with a real reminder that our Equestrian Team GB is ready for the fray in 2012.

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